Saturday, February 27, 2010

Look! It's a Magic Mercedes Bus!

11pm on a Wednesday night - do you know where your magic Mercedes bus is? The night finally introduced my friends to the magic Mercedes van, owned and driven by the cool & collected Sebastien. Have a couple of drinks @ 999 with Cherry Island J. Willy before flying down Columbus in the van (blasting HOT 97) to pick up Wholly Foods and Lara Croft Tomb Raider. First stop: SubMercer. Martinis that weren't really Martinis, Stella Artois, drinking games, blends, mussIC. We chill there until 2am or so, before heading to Le Poisson Rouge? strange stop, indeed, we only stay for twenty minutes before going to Employees Only (510 Hudson St.) for a night cap, Maker's on a bunch of rocks. It's 345 in the morning and we are all very drunk and tired; we hop in the magic bus! and magically, it takes us home. In bed with Ron Weasley by 430. YOU HAVE TO LOVE WEDNESDAYS.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Mean to Me

Ah, the perks of my new job. Last night I go to "work" on the second floor of the Bowery Hotel for the private event screening & debut of Mean to Me, British supermodel Agyness Deyn's first film directed by multi-media artist Peter McGough, and co-starring Law & Order's Linus Roache. A Manhattan-set 1930s noir art short about a courtesan (Deyn) and her newly fortuneless lover (Roache) as they come face to face with the stark, unanticipated reality of the Great Depression. In 1930s tradition, Edward III, Guerlain Shalimar perfume, and Mikimoto sponsored a lavish party (Deyn was there!), and I got a Guerlain gift bag as payment, which included perfume, the March issue of Elle magazine, eye cream? and a Mikimoto book about pearls (I gave it all to my mom this morning at breakfast, but kept the Pall Malls and Lucky Strikes I also got).

Thursday, February 18, 2010

"Sail Away, Motherfuckers"

Charity event last night at 385 Broadway loft, sponsored by Guinness and Edward III Absinthe. "Bartended" Absinthe from 7-10 while Mark and Ed did their thing; it's not difficult, but it is a process to make each drink, which sometimes makes people unhappy. But! alas, people love me, so it wasn't a big deal. I had fun, I had a couple of drinks, everyone almost everyone was super cool, and I made, like, $30 in tips. Met two Columbia grads ('07, '09) who are now working for the U.S. Attorney in New York. Little did I know that my night was just beginning...

Monday, February 15, 2010

"There Are Some Ugly American Features"

Thursday. St. Tony's. Valentine's. Day. Semi. Formal. Date. Wholly Foods. Pre. Game. Horchata's. And. Cherry Island's. Blends. Wild. Turkey. Jack. Daniels. Friends. Drunk. Black. Bow Tie. Black. Suit. Dancing. More dancing. 4am. Bed. Wake up. Friday. First. Day. Of. Work. Edward. the. Third. Absinthe. Downtown. DBGB. Hotel. Delmano. Hunter's. Apartment. Prospect Heights. Washington. Commons. Speakeasy. Beer. Blue. Point. Park Slope. Random. Moroccan. Restaurant. Two. Swedish. Girls. Black. Finance. Guy. Wine. Moroccan. Lager. Skirt. Steak. Union. Hall. Whiskey. Soda. Early. Bed. Home. Midnight. Catch. Up. Old. Friend. Saturday. Try. To. Work. In. Butler. Can't. Eyes. Tired. Shutting. Night. Fashion. Show. With. Cocks.  Anne. Police. Song. Mike. Vensel. Models. Absinthe. Photographs. Runway. Stylish. Black. East. Village. Dinner. Desnuda. 7th. A. South. American. Wine. Bar. Ceviche. Sweet. Potatoes. Drunk. Bottle. Wine. Rufus. Horchata. Death. &. Co. Gin. No. Flash. Please. Pomme. Frittes. Four. Sauces. Cab. Driver. Who. Is. On. Crack. Cocaine. Funny. Drive. Home. We. Are. Wasted. What. A. Weekend. Sunday. Night. Valentine's. Day. Dinner. At. Wholly. Foods. Apt. Delicious. Clueless. She's All That. Star Trek. Lots. Of. Movies. Bulleit. Bourbon. Wine. Pudding. Yum. 1020. Sweats. Rufus. Drunk. Again. Bed. End. Of. Weekend. Eyes. Hands. Too. Tired. Why. I. Wrote. Like. This.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Wake up late Saturday morning. Trudge to the library and attempt to read a few articles. I manage to get through two. I promised myself tonight would be low-key, haha! Good one. Another broken promise.EoH, Robin Hood, and Elle come over around 5pm to hang out. We "hang" for thirty minutes, then we out. Elle has to study, but the three musketeers are on their way to Crack Deli for Spicy Specials; we eat them in a cab on our way to the Guggenheim Met...

Monday, February 8, 2010

Party & Bullshit

"In my room at home I secretly practiced the Charleston, in case I was ever in a situation where I'd be asked to do it. I'd caught on that among the more glamorous crowd at Barnard and Columbia, it was very much the thing to emulate the customs of the Roaring Twenties. In addition to the revival of the Charleston, this involved a lot of flamboyant drinking and the throwing of wild and lavish parties. The previous spring, thirty students had sold pints of blood to finance a May Wine Festival at the swanky Essex House -- on whose neon sign that night the E and the first s had been totally blacked out, according to later legend. Blood and wine -- there was something about the decadent absurdity of that party that captured my imagination. Never had I imagined that pleasure could be pursued with such seriousness." - Joyce Johnson, Minor Characters

Friday, February 5, 2010

Sex Ed Fail

Resolved Question: Can your baby get pregnant if you have sex while pregnant? like if you are pregnant with a baby girl, and you have sex while you are pregnant, can the sperm go up in there and impregnate the baby?

Best Answer - Chosen by Voters: The baby CAN get pregnant only if it's a female. If you suspect that your baby is pregnant, try not to have sex again. You run the risk of getting your baby's baby pregnant, and that can lead to complications like an infinite loop.


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Dear Fucking Nails, I Hate You

Not those nails, the other ones. I just spent twenty minutes trying to nail with a hammer my beloved Dazed and Confused poster, which, last semester, used to hang in the suite, but this semester has somehow found a new living situation among a pile of clothes behind by door. I really really tried, but fuck you nails! you are impossible, you are weak - you cannot withstand the blow of my hammer. Hammer: 1. Nails: 0.
Still kind of sick, whatever. "When nothing else works, blog" - words to live by.. A great mentor of mine once uttered those beautiful, mottofic words before he was run over by an eighteen-wheeler. Hah, just kidding! I'd rather not to do my stat homework; instead, I'll write about absofuckinglutely nothing. THEY really shouldn't let average citizens like myself have access to blog for free. I should be charged money to write this crap, on da realz, yo. On a lighter note, Happy Groundhog Day! One of my favorite movies of ALL-TIME. Melvin and Rufus just left for Dead Poet to enjoy some beers, but I have work to do/early class/still not feeling well. Still rare of me not to join them. I yearn for an alcoholic beverage (I also yearn to go back to Dutch Kills - who doesn't like it when bartenders tell you what the fuck is up?). Busy day planned for tomorrow + I hope to make it out at nighttime. 
Wow, my life is boring! I should get a job or something, for next year.
"Feet on the ground, head in the sky." <-- Barely.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Happy Monday, Happy February

Err, today? I hate being sick, which I am, kinda. When I constantly have snot and boogers and ickiess oozzing from my nostrils, I become severely self-conscious and fall into a quasi-category of mental hibernation. I shut off from the world. This morning Melvin (welcome back to the blog, Mel!) and I attended our 11am Political Science seminar, the first class we've had together in four years --> crazy. It's an interesting class, but the last one I'm going to today. I need to rest up and not be sick anymore + I needed to run some errands this afternoon. Followed class up with lunch at Nussbaum, then Melvin jetted downtown to his place of work, while I headed home to 9 & 3/4 to my bed. The rest of my night will consist of more bed, and reading/writing/TV/soup. I just now learned of a mysterious new Columbia blog, The Red Zone, written by a senior at Barnard or Columbia, who works in Avery - I'm pretty sure I know her, but there's an equally good chance I don't. One can only wish. I hope she continues to write as I will be looking for updates. She is a witty writer, and the words she produces are far more coherent and interesting than the ones you are reading here.
Less than four months till graduation: not yet sure how I feel. I no longer desire to work - in fact I despise the thought of it - however, once the bubble bursts, I fear the party may be over. I bought a ticket to see Hot Chip today, on April 23, @ Terminal 5. Saw them there two years ago and it was a wild show. Hopefully Murakunas will buy a ticket, too, so that we can replicate the legendary sophomore year shitshow. Anyway, I hope I get better soon so that I can blog about something far more interesting later in the week, more interesting than a monDAY.